Transformational love, one day at a time
Kufara* is a beautiful baby girl who came to Kuda Vana Children’s Home on May 16, 2022. We received her with open arms and hearts from the hospital, where she had been for two weeks after having been abandoned by a home in Darlington town.
When she arrived, she was tired, quiet, and scared. Though she didn’t appear to be malnourished, Kufara was very light and petite for her age; she is estimated to be between 1 and 1.5 years old. We were told that in the hospital, she was used to feeding herself, and she could walk very well.
As we interacted with her those early moments, she seemed weak and too calm for everything that she was going through, or rather, conditioned to the chaos. She was a very shy baby who would cover her face with her hands whenever she suspected someone was looking at her.
Whatever caused such a very young baby to be so shy, nobody knows. One could tell that she was not free around others, even around other babies her age. She always looked like she was restricted and confined somehow, no matter how other children tried to play and interact with her.
Her smile was very erratic and expensive. One really had to go the extra mile to get one. She would give you a run for your money just to get to see those tiny pearly whites. We accepted her just as she was, and Kuda Vana, being the loving place that it is, really changed Kufara for the better. If one sees her today, they wouldn’t recognize her as the same baby that came to us one month ago.
Kufara has been given all of the love, nourishment and attention every baby deserves.
Kufara was timid and scared her first few days with us. But the love she has consistently been shown by our caregivers has had a tremendous impact!
Today, Kufara is completely different! She runs around and displays her free spiritedness, revealing a happy soul that was trapped inside all along. Her giggles when she is playing with the other children can light up the whole place. Her shyness has turned to confidence, and she no longer tries to make herself invisible. She will look you boldly in the eyes and tell your her stories in baby language.
Kufara’s strongest and most likable characteristic is her ability to understand what you ask or tell her and respond accordingly. She is very obedient and clever, she can follow instructions without being asked twice. She will sit, stand, and go wherever asked without fail. She eats well and enjoys food very much. This and her sweetness make her a very easy going baby.
We are all very happy with Kufara’s transformation. It makes us feel happy to see babies come from a sad situation and blossom in their new chapter of their lives. Kuda Vana will continue to sustain this happiness in little Kufara, a happy testimonial.
Written by Mama Progress, Kufara’s Caregiver
*Not her real name