What has Covid-19 been like as a caregiver at Kuda Vana? Hear from our staff.
Zimbabwe has gone through several Covid-19 lockdowns in the past year, the most recent being in January and February. During that time, our staff had to stay on campus for a month at a time. Needless to say, it was difficult for them and their families. We asked them to write about their experiences during the time of Covid and lockdown. We are so grateful for their dedication and courage during this difficult time. Our team is the heart and soul of Kuda Vana. This is some of what our caregivers had to say about their experience with the Covid-19 pandemic this past year. .
“Things for us as caregivers grew difficult [with Covid]. Most of us travel far from home to get to work, but all buses and public transport were off the roads. Getting to work and back home become a living nightmare. However, with God by our side we managed to get to work all the time we were needed. When we got to work, we would wait for testing and quarantine. Thanks to God none of us were ever positive. We were all concerned about donations coming in because of the economic impact as well. ”
“We thank God that no one got laid off and everyone at Kuda Vana managed to keep their jobs”
Regardless of how they are feeling, our dedicated caregivers always offer a smile or a laugh to the children they are responsible for at Kuda Vana.
“I came to work prepared for my usual nineteen days on duty as a mom of ten at Kuda Vana. Days later the government locked us down. It was difficult because my children at home also needed me. A few days later my sister, her husband, and my aunt tested positive for Covid. I spent a lot of time praying and crying to God to save my sister. Two days later my aunt passed away. It haunts me that I could not attend my aunt’s funeral. ”
“I am physically and mentally exhausted because of stress”
Ensuring 10 small pairs of hands are washed multiple times a day is no small task for a Mama at Kuda Vana!
“We have been afraid of catching the virus on our way to and from work. It has affected our relationship with our families since we had to be away for a long time. It’s stressful being away [from home] because while we are here at work you are also thinking of children at home and their welfare, wondering if they are taking precautions, staying at home, and listening to those in charge. I can only say that everyone is asking for God’s intervention to make this disease vanish because we are all traumatized.”
“It’s stressful being away [from home] because while we are here at work you are also thinking of your children at home and their welfare.”
Every Mama at Kuda Vana helps the children in her care feel secure with lots of hugs and snuggles.
“Friends and relatives have died and are still dying due to Covid-19 but we keep the faith and soldier on. It was hard and painful to not attend funerals and give a loving send off to our loved ones, our hearts bleed for them. I am most glad that God has protected and kept us safe thus far. I used to think that the best things in life are monetary. Now, I think the best things in life are those walks in the park, the hugs with family and friends, the laughter, gathering around the fire warming ourselves and the little stuff that seemed not so important before. May God continue to protect us.”
“After this ordeal is over, I will give as many hugs and handshakes as I can”