"Adopted to Adopt"
Almost exactly a year ago, Kuda Vana's Board of Directors were praying over how to successfully grow our FAMily (Foster Adopt Mentor) program. Cultural beliefs surrounding adoption in Zimbabwe make this difficult, and we knew that growing the program would mean finding local staff who had walked the adoption journey themselves and were willing to advocate for it. Given what we knew, this seemed impossible.
Thursbe and Tendayi, Adoption Advocates in Zimbabwe
But nothing is impossible with God! A year later, Kuda Vana's incredible new "Adoption Advocates" are preparing to launch our first "Adoption Advocacy" event in one of the largest churches in the country on January 7.
Thursbe and her husband Tendayi are Kuda Vana’s new Adoption Advocates, and will play a critical role in educating and encouraging Zimbabwean families to consider adoption or foster care.
Traditionally, adoption outside of one's own family in Zimbabwe is not culturally accepted: there are beliefs and superstitions that prevent many families from adopting or, if they do, being open about it.
Thursbe and Tendayi hope to help change this. They are both biological and adoptive parents, and have a heart for children who have been left without family. When they were introduced to our team the connection was instant: Kuda Vana could provide a vehicle for which the could share the beauty of adoption, and they could provide the essential local context and personal connection that would encourage others.
Because they have successfully adopted in Zimbabwe, and are intimately familiar with the cultural challenges and overall challenges of being an adoptive parents, they can help encourage others to consider this beautiful commitment and way to build a family.
Thursbe says of their upcoming work:
“Our theme will be Adopted to Adopt. If we are adopted by Jesus Christ, why do we hesitate to adopt? Why do we fear the challenges? Is our God smaller than the challenges that we think we will have? Certainly not!"
We ask for your prayers over Thursbe and Tendayi as they work to open minds and hearts to the beautiful commitment of adoption, and find more forever families for the vulnerable children in Kuda Vana’s care.
Your continued financial support makes this work possible. Thank you!