Empower a Child to Thrive

Kuda Vana Partnership exists to empower
the most vulnerable children of Zimbabwe
to not just survive, but thrive.


Statistics like these can seem overwhelming.



of the Zimbabwe population live below the poverty line

2 million

orphans make up approximately 10% of
the Zimbabwe population


of orphans across the globe are forced into prostitution after aging out of care



But we believe that when we all do for a few what we’d like to do for many,
we can change the future one child at a time.


Who We Are

We believe in putting children first, building families, addressing the past, preparing for the future, investing locally, and introducing children to Christ by showing unconditional love.


What We Do

If it wasn’t for Kuda Vana, I would be a nobody. I was rescued from being a child bride with no parents, and now I have a college degree.
— Kuda Vana Family Member, Age 23

Kuda Vana School

Our primary school is an essential step in emotionally and academically preparing our children for a solid high school education, and ultimately a self-sufficient future.

FAMily Program

We seek to connect children in our care with Christian families through Fostering, Adoption, or Mentoring where their needs can be better met.

Youth Transition Program

Just like any family, Kuda Vana provides holistic support to young people as they transition to self-sufficient adulthood.


Stories from Zimbabwe


Where the Money Goes…

Kuda Vana Partnership believes in being completely transparent with our donors and we work hard to be good stewards of your gifts.