A little time and a lot of love make all the difference
It’s a universal truth that if you spend just a bit of time away from a child, when you see them again they will have grown in a million ways!
This was certainly the case for Amber Lee, a volunteer who spent several months at Kuda Vana in 2019, and recently returned to volunteer again. Not only did she notice the normal physical changes and growth spurts, but she told us what an incredible different she sees in the emotional well-being and attitudes of the children! Amber says this of five-year old Buumi*, a boy who joined the Kuda Vana family in 2019 after a cyclone killed his mother.
“A year ago, Buumi was fairly new to Kuda Vana and was always just doing his own thing. He was extremely reserved and I could never get a word out of him. I would say “Hi Buumi! How are you?” But he’d just look at me with a straight face and walk by.
I can confidently say that Buumi is now one of the happiest and smiliest kids here at Kuda Vana! I just say his name and he gives me a million dollar smile. Not only does he smile and laugh constantly, he just has a joyful presence everywhere he’s at.
His smile now lights up a whole room
He leads out songs in family worship and is getting the hang of English! I have not gone a day without seeing him so excited about life. I truly believe that it’s because of Kuda Vana. It’s the safe and secure atmosphere that he has been experiencing these many months. He’s not on edge anymore or worried that something bad is going to happen. He feels the safety from his Mama and Uncles around him. “
This is the kind of tangible impact consistent love and care has on a child who has been traumatized. We are grateful to the incredible staff who have loved Buumi out of his shell, and for the financial supporters who make it all possible!
*Not his real name